Subtle & Beyond Organization

About Us

Greetings from Subtle and Beyond!!!

Greetings from Subtle and Beyond!!!

We feel proud and honoured to introduce ‘Subtle and Beyond’ Organization.

‘Subtle & Beyond’ conducts lectures, seminars, training programs, to obtain clarity, in any concerned subject matter, as desired by your esteemed institution, where in the acceptance by the participants, to achieve desired objective of your management, can be ensured. We also provide personal counselingcoaching, and guidance.


Our Vision

Human beings are known; they are free through the holographic design of inner & outer self. Through our counseling center, Classes, Personal interactions, Books, Movies, and all ingenious ways, people would have been aware of where they are stuck.

Our Mission

Exploration and Expansion of Subtle and Beyond

We feel proud and honoured to introduce ‘Subtle and Beyond’ Organization.

We cooperate with many companies, colleges and organizations by carrying out real-relaxation techniques, thought process, increased mental and physical balance, human relationship, decision, and belief systems for them in our counselling, classes

“Subtle & beyond is engaged in research and development of individual’s/group’s of individual’s, with subtle vision; these are individuals, who are driven, to constantly improve the quality of life, for everyone, who desires it. Offering them how to develop their subtle vision, which is the real source for the outcome, of any situation/manifestation; thus an individual or group of individuals, can overcome/create, any circumstance/condition, and achieve whatever they desire/want”.

It’s our pleasure, to address any concern, through conducting lectures/seminar, in your organization, where in, we can concentrate on human subtle visions, thought process, meditation, mind & body co-relation as desired by your organization.  To achieve your institutional objective’s by maintaining a focused physical and mental balance to enhancing the work efficiency, time management, and productivity.

Our key intention is to make awareness in human life with thought process, meditation, and mind body co-relation. If we understand thought process, our future will be more clear & crisp. Mind is nothing but bundle of thought. There are numerous thought always coming to the surface of the mind. Whenever there are thoughts in a mind we will get many questions known and the unknown, just understand mind structure then, we can direct it and use this big domain for good health and prosperous life.

As we know, that every problem is, nothing but a resistant to the thought/ idea, which affects. Every thought we accept, and act upon, creates our experience, there by, defining our future state/situation. With this awareness, we can evolve consensus, on any complex issues, and clear all kinds of bottlenecks, overcoming futile and illogical individual resistance’s, to the institutional goals/objectives.

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Year of Experiences
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